Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wild About You

Isn't this the cutest card? I can't take credit for it. It's a case from someone on Splitcoast which I can't remember who it was! I think the stamp set is Wild About You from SU. Parts of the animals are layered for dimension. The cardstock is Bashful Blue and riding hood red, the dp is retired Washington Apple. I used my nestabilities and also did some piercing. I think the card is just darling! I hope that everyone has a great day. I start work tomorrow - just part of the day. As a librarian, I have to work extra days. School doesn't actually start until September 9!


  1. Very cute card Cindy! Love the layering! TFS

  2. So smart of you to layer the body parts!

    M kids start back to school tomorrow. I have 3 lids going to 3 different schools, 3 different locations, and 3 different start times and end times... life for this stay at home mom is about to get super CRAZY!!!!!!


    Char in So Cal

  3. Such a cute card, this stamp set is one of my faves and I have used it for almost every occasion. It started out as a joke because one of my friends gave me a hard time about buying the often was I going to be able to use it etc. Well, I sent my friend a card for every holiday and celebration that year using this set. Think ghosts, party animals, etc :>)

  4. you cased me! great job! i am mkstampin74 on scs!

  5. So cute! I love those animals and the Washington Apple dp. Have fun returning to work. Didn't the summer fly by??

  6. Extremely cute card! I love this set for kid cards.
