Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ladybug notes...

Don't forget blog candy here. Today's card uses some products that I haven't used in awhile. The dp is Basic Grey and the stamp set is Darling Dots. First time I've used it and it's so cute! I stamped the ladybug in red and then went over the spots with a black marker and if you couldn't tell, I handdrew the dotted path. The red satin ribbon is from the current SU mini and it's such pretty ribbon, really easy to work with too.

I meant to post last night but Lily's new bed arrived! She has a very cute big girl Disney Princess toddler bed. She was so excited and kept saying "my new bed, my new bed". She did fall out of it twice so we did not have restful sleep. Don't worry, we have big pillows on the floor next to her bed so she has a soft fall, it just scared her. I also joined a women's gym too so I have been busy! Plus they are working on our parking lot at work so we had to park out by the baseball field. Does that sound as far away from where we work as it actually is? So I'm beat just walking to my car! Sad, but true.

have a good day everyone.


  1. This is just one adorable card. I just love ladybugs.

  2. Super cute ladybug card!
    Oh Lily must be so excited! Just think,the gym will get you in shape for the walk from the parking lot.
