Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hello Kitty Mini

Today, I am showing a mini that I made as a Christmas gift and the timing couldn't be perfect because I am able to use it for the Cricut Circle challenge too. I used lightweight cardstock and the Hello Kitty Greeting cartridge for the shape of album as well as the images.

The dp is retired SU from my stash. It's a few years old and I was so happy to use it! The stickers were found in the dollar spot at Target.

Some of the hello kitty images have been glittered and then can be removed from the plane so the recepient can journal or put a picture.

I made a charm using the HK cart. I cut the image about 3 times and attached them together to make them sturdy. The pink charm is a keychain that I also found in the Dollar spot. I used my Cropadile to punch holes in the side and used binder rings to hold everything together and then put some ribbon from my stash through the binder rings.

Don't forget that I have blog candy here.


  1. so super cute! Love hello Kitty always

  2. I love this and I know my niece would too! Great job, Cindy!

  3. Very fun mini album

  4. ╔══════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════╗

    Love it!

    Hugs and Blessings!
    Jasmine Wilmany

    I'm a Cricut Circle member too!

    ╚══════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════╝
