Saturday, March 1, 2014

Card Kit Swap

Hi everyone,
I have a fun post for you all. I am the DT Coordinator for FCCB and one of the things that I do is arrange swaps. For February, our swap was a card kit swap. In a card kit swap, you select cards and papers and embellishments for your swap partner and in this swap you also have to cut Cricut images too. Then we all make projects with the items we received. I have a video for you that shows what I received and what I made. I also have the cards listed below for you too!

My swap partner was Faith from Scrapbooker PhD and it was so fun to learn that we have quite a bit in common.

Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Looks like you had a blast and used some fun goodies

  2. I love everything you made with my swap kit. This was so much fun. I hope you like what I did with your kit. Faith

  3. Really cute cards...I especially like the lock and key one. I have always wanted to do a swap like this but am afraid that my swap partner might not like what I send. Your partner sent you some great goodies and especially to include some surprises!!

  4. Very cute cards, and I like the background paper. My fave card is the one with the hot air balloon.

  5. Great cards! Faith sent you some wonderful images and paper to work with-great job!
