Saturday, December 12, 2015

25 Days of Christmas - Day 12

Hi everyone,
Welcome to Day 12 of my 25 Days of Christmas. I have a busy and fun day ahead. I am going to a Scholastic Warehouse book sale with my sister and then we are meeting a friend for lunch/afternoon tea. Then I come back home to clean my house a little bit, wrap presents and work on some holiday projects! I have to do as much as I can this weekend because then I have my kids all the way until Christmas Eve including the first week of school vacation.

On to my card! I am apparently into snowmen this season. A little odd as there is absolutely no snow where I live in Southern California. I probably should put the snowman on a surfboard. One of my Dad's friends was complaining about the cold and the snow on Facebook and my Dad posted he was going surfing and going to wear sunscreen. Hah!

I also have a video for you too!

Thanks so much for visiting me today. I will see you all tomorrow!