My blogoversary is coming up the first week in June and I will be celebrating a month early since my baby is due the first week in June! Every day for the next two weeks I will be posting a new prize. To win that day's prize just leave a comment on that day's post by Wednesday, May 14. I will select the winners for all the prizes on Friday, May 16. You can win more than 1 prize! I will be using random.org to select the winners. If you are a subscriber, you may leave two comments on each day's post for an extra chance at winning.
Could my life have any more drama? I meant to get things done like stamping and posting a creation but no...I spent my evening in the ER. My 19month old started crying hysterically. He didn't fall down, didn't appear to have any injuries except he refused to use his right hand and so we took him to the ER. He had something called Nursemaid's Elbow. The ER dr. popped his bone back in and instantly he was back to normal. But the experience stressed me and his father out!
Let's hope today is a boring, normal day!
Good Morning Cindy...sure glad it was nothing more serious with your little fellow...great blog cany again
Have a great day!
Oh my! My prayers are with you for safety for you and your family!
I'm glad he's okay, but I can't imagine how painful that must have been!
Great blog candy--I love those little stamps!
I think you need a good rest after all your excitement. Let's hope you have had all your burps in the road. Take care Cindy.
Oh My! Is that from when you pull his arm and the elbow pops out of joint? I'm glad it was a relatively easy fix, but you must be sick of the ER!!! Hope you have a nice, relaxing time the next couple of days - you certainly deserve some down time :)
Wow, I'm glad he's ok and I hope you have a normal day!
Oh gost! It's so scary when things happen to really little ones. Glad he's okay now.
I would LOVE to win the Studio G stamps! I can get NOTHING here where I live. Thanks for offering them!
I would say you have had enought drama for awhile. I would go to your happy creative inspiring place and LOCK the door. tee hee Glad everything turned out ok. Again the candy is sweet. Thanks again.
Here is my 2nd entry. Thanks and hope your day is better than yesterday.
Oh my gosh, I've never heard of Nursemaid's elbow. I'm so glad your son is doing better now.
Thanks for the chance to win these stamps.
My gosh, Cindy. You need to stay away from the medical facilities for awhile!
Wow Cindy, I hope you are back into normal days soon.
You and your family are in my prayers.
Another great blog candy.
God bless!
Poor little guy - I hope his little elbow is okay now. :(
I would love to win your candy! Thanks for the opp to play!!!
Glad your son is ok and all the best with your new little one! My sons are 19 months apart too. Its crazy when they're babies but nice that they're close in age growing up and of course, I just got through with 2 in college at the same time..
Diane S
Ouch! Glad he is okay!
Oh Dear--Cindy, you have had enough drama now. Glad your little tyke is doing much better! Thanks for the blog candy opp. Darlene L
You poor thing! My son had that happen 5 years ago when he was about 4 ! We were in Target and he and his dad were holding hands and he pulled his dads arm hard to turn the corner and then started screaming and I mean screaming! Geez...scared the dickens out of me...I well remember how everyone was staring at us , like we hurt him! had to take him to ER and by the time we were seen it had corrected itself on its own! He got a stuffed toy and a popsicle and was a happy camper!
Sending you big hugs!
Here is my second entry as a subscriber. Thanks again for making us all feel special on your blog anniversary! darlene
Studio G stamps are always great. I'd love a chnace to win them.
I bet you really freaked out. It is so stressful when you don't know what is hurting the little guy. Glad the ending was good. I never heard of Nursemaids Elbow. I'm glad.
Thanks you, again, for still thinking of your readers with all this drama happening.
I have never heard that term before "Nursemaid's elbow" but I am glad that everything turned out all right.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Have a wonderful Day! Glad that the little one is doing better!
I subscribed to your blog so I can leave another comment today!
Thanks for the chance at the wonderful blog candy!
This is my second chance to win the fun candy!
Oh goodness! I'm so glad hes ok! I bet that was soo stressful! :)
More yummy candy. Gotta love the acrylic stamps!
Oh my, you poor thing, your really having a bad week! Things will start to brighten up again, I'm sending you a ray of sunshine! Glad that he is all right & back to normal!
My mom says "It never rains, but it pours". Hope you get to relax tomorrow and you and your little one are both fine. Take care.
Oh no, poor boy! I'm glad he's okay now!!
Hope your days will be much better than before! Take care!!
Sorry to hear about your son. Glad he's all better now.
Happy Bloggiversary.
Thanks for a chance to win! I hope you'll have some calmer days from now on!
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Glad to hear your little guy is ok!!
Thanks for the chance at the wonderful blog candy!
Have a great day.
I Hope you are having a good day!
These stamps are always adorable...
would enjoy some new ones :)
Thanks for a chance to WIN!!
*Have a Great Day!!
Oh Cindy, you've been through so much the last few days! Here's a hug { }
Oh my goodness I had never heard of that!! Poor little guy,glad he's ok !!!
Oh my I forgot to comment on your yummy candy since we can enter twice when we are a subscriber!1
I LOVE Studio G Stamps!!!
So glad your little one is alright. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I love these little stamps, I collect them when I see them - but I don't see any of yours that I have - how is that possible!! I hope your life has calmed down a bit and am glad everyone made it through!!
Nice stamps, so very generous of you!
I am sooo sorry to hear about the lil' guy, but I bet the ER doc told you that it is not an uncommom occurance...right? My olderst daughter suffered from it when she was young...believe me it is worse on the parents! I think the hardest part was not knowing what was wrong....moms are supposed to be able to not only identify the cry but fix the problem!!! I felt useless!
I am glad all is better now! Take a deep breath... :) and I'll be thinking of you all...
#2 entry...love the stamps!!! :)
sneaking in my 2nd chance as subscriber... tip toe, tip toe LOL!
I had that when my brother and I were little. We were doing the "kool-aid" dance (a commercial on TV), and then the doctor thought my mom had beaten me! LOL Glad all is ok with your little one!
Here's my second comment! :) Have a great weekend, Cindy!
Thanks for a 2nd chance entry
to WIN....I love those stamps :)
*Have a wonderful weekend....
"Happy Mother's Day"
Don't you just love the Studio G Stamps? I think the Drama needs to end and you need to rest and take care of yourself! Thanks for the cahnce!
I'm a subscriber, here's my second chance. Have a good day!
Great candy today!!
Linda Peterson
Bless your heart! I went through it with my daughter when she was about 18 months old. Her Dad and I were holding her hands while walking and she all of a sudden jumped and left us holding all her weight by her arms. We had to rush her to the er since she started crying and holding her arm. She had to wear a little sling for about 2 weeks after they popped it back into place. Lesson to be learned: Don't let your young one swing or jump when 2 people are holding their hands/arms. Thanks for the chance to win blog candy again.
Here is my 2nd entry since I am a subscriber. I hope your son has no further trouble with his arm.
This is my second comment as a subscriber. Thanks.
Great blog candy. Thanks again for sharing.
I am having so much fun checking out all the goodies you are giving away.
wow! so many studio g stamps! thanks for the chance to win and happy blogaversary! :)
wow! so many studio g stamps! thanks for the chance to win and happy blogaversary! :)
Glad your baby is OK, what an experience! Learn something new everyday!
Just found your blog. Thanks for this chance.
WOW! Great candy! Thanks for the chance!
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