My other resolution is to use my stash except for basic supplies such as adhesive and I give myself permission to buy Cricut cartridges. However, I have a ton of paper and stamps and other embellishments that I really need to start using. Plus, I went WAYYYY over budget last year on crafts and I really need to rein it it. I hope to last until summer, we will see.
Project Life...I have resisted but I have gotten just so far behind on my scrapbooks that I am missing out on recording these moments that I can't get back. So I am attempting Project Life. I don't expect to take a picture every day but I want to take about 6-7 pictures each week and then do layouts here and there for events that warrant it and do mini albums on vacations or outings that I really want to focus some attention to. I will be using my stash! I have been so tempted to purchase items for this project such as a date stamp - I have a PTI calendar stamp set that has months and dates, plus some Justrite product that I have hardly used and possibly other things in my stash that would work. I was tempted to buy journaling cards. I can very easily cut up cardstock and add some scrap dp to it. Doing it this way makes it easier to journal on the computer and print it out and then cut it up. I am even using my own page protectors - CTMH 12x12 protectors that have broken up into 4x6 pockets which I had in my stash.
A really good way to use up my stash so I can justify buying more stuff! For example, I have two huge DCWV 12x12 paper stacks on Fall - I hardly do anything Fall like here so why the heck do I have all of this paper! I will be using it to make scrapbooks for colleague Christmas gifts and hopefully use it up. See what I mean? Impulse buying to the extreme. I liked it, bought it and now i don't know what to do with it. I will be showing you guys how I am using my stash and my Cricut for this project.
Get healthy which means eating out less, and cooking more. This is a hard one because I drive 50 miles a day for work but I need to just plan better. Also, get out and exercise more. My husband bought us bikes and still hasn't put them together and that would be a fun way to get out and exercise. I need to lose the baby weight from having Lily (um...she's 3!) and those 20 lbs are not going to magically disappear, I know because I've been saying abracadabra for 3 years and it hasn't happened.
So those are my resolutions. How about all of you? Please leave a comment on this post with a blog post regarding your resolutions. If you don't have a blog then leave a comment with your resolutions. I will chose a winner using random.org next Friday and will send the winner a box filled with fabulous crafting supplies. I have a ton of really awesome crafting stuff that I don't have room for and I would love to give some away. That's another thing - I hope to do more spontaneous giveaways for regular blog readers especially since I am moving to bi-weekly giveaways.
If you got this far - then you rock! Thanks for listening and hope this year finds you all healthy, happy and improved!
Well done you Cindy, I hope you can persevere with the resolutions. Mine is just to keep going as I am, so I can still visit family overseas
I need to make the same resolution for my scraps, but I have come to grips with just using new paper. I was getting so overwhelmed and depress trying to use scraps. I found myself in a more creative mood using new stuff.
Paper omg, I have so many many new stacks of paper, I don't need anymore right away. However, I try not to make resolution, maybe solutions would be better, resolutions seem to be never keep!
Thanks for your time and the chance to win!
mzcherub at gmail dot com
Good luck Cindy with your resolutions. I don't think I'll make any this year. Last year my goal was to enter in a challenge. Didn't happen, but I did send a couple of thank you cards and the ladies posted them on their blogs. I was so surprised and slightly embarrased. This is why I don't have a blog myself.
nice idea on using up your stash... I typically don't make resolutions due to the fact that I don't follow through so I don't set myself up to fail by making them :O
I'm totally with you on the reading. I love to read - but the last few years have been dedicated to university texts rather than books I enjoy. I have several sitting around collecting dust that I will make through this year. *nods head, attempting to be convinced*
We've been on a tight budget - I spent a total of $50 on supplies last year. Another $75 on a horrid class, but that was the extent of my spending. I'd like to be even less this year if I can. I've got so much stuff hoarded and no time - I really should not have to spend any $ at all.
A big goal for me this year is to manage my time better. Including crafting blogs - I zoom through on Google Reader and rarely post any comments anymore. I'd like to actually 'prove' to the blogs I follow that I really and truly AM following them! I used to work 60-90 hour weeks plus blog plus craft ... there is no way I shouldn't be able to blog, craft, and write along with my school schedule! Time management.
I, too want to use more of my stash and craft more, take more pictures of my family(even tho they hate pictures). Begining today, I am eating healthy and no more eating out except on special occasions.
Good luck on keeping your resolutions. If you need support we'll be here for each other and cheer you on.
Cindy I hope you can stick to your resolutions... I go between using scraps then buying new...on the trials of a scrapper...
Look like hoarding paper is a commom 'disease' among us crafter..lol..!
I have lots of paper and my new year resolution is to complete at least a mini album scrapbooking my 3 years old son and do some layouts of myself. I have taken some beginner's layout class and learned a lot in scrapbooking, so I need to kick start scrapbooking.
My other non-crafty resolution is to spend time guiding and reading to my son. I have neglected him for the past 2 years ever since I started blogging...what a bad mom..lol.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year and be blessed with lots of joy and love.
Heaney xx
You have some really great resolutions for the year...Good luck! I need to use things from my stash also, I don't like to read, and I too am going to try to eat healthier and loose some weight. My main resolution is try to find the good in people and not to judge others. Big job ahead... I enjoyed reading your post! Have a wonderful day!!!!
Hi Cindy, Happy New year to you.
Great resolutions for 2012.
My resolutions are be more focus with my crafting needs, my son is getting more active each day so more time for him and my husband, stay healthy and happy.
myfootahead at gmail dot com
Happy new year Cindy. I am agree with you about reading. I used be an avid reader before marriage, but then everything changed. After kids, I didn't have time for anything else ( besides my job). Now I read mostly online books, the bookshelves are all full with kids' stuff :)
As we are moving to a new house in one day, my crafts, paper and stamps are all packed away. But in anticipation of the move, I did a purge on my stack of paper and donated it to the kindergarten class at my grd-dtrs school. I still have more than I know what to do with.
My resolution is to organize what I have into their own space. I was amazed at what I found while packing up. That in itself should create a muse when I am ready to craft again.
I love reading, so I have no problem in setting a goal for myself.
I lost 20 lbs this year but I need so much more, so my resolution is to keep on travelling the same path. I have decided that I have to be number one in my health goals. It's a lofty one, but so necessary. Along with this will be a start of a proper exercise program. We are moving to flat ground, so no excuses about hills.
Which were killers with my knees and legs.
I think if I attain these goals I can consider my year 2012 a success.
If I should win, I will be down for at least a week, but I will check in when I am up and running.
I forgot my blogsite:
Just wrote about my new year's resolution - lose 30 pounds. But action steps mean diet, exercise and scrapbooking. Finding a creative outlet seems to be a key to losing weight for me.
Good luck with the reading. I broke down and got a nook this fall and it really started me off as a reader again. I have my first electronic scrapbooking book from the library right now!
Hi Cindy! I so love to read. We got rid of our cable along time ago and I don't watch much on the standard channels...so I read a lot.
I also am thinking about a Project Life type album. Archivers sells the pockets by We are Memories. I haven't done a lay out in ages (so prefer making cards). I'm with you on creating your own journaling/ decorative pocket cards.
I also aim to exercise more. I've had some minor health issues and they have cleared up through exersise. I usually walk early in the morning before everyone gets up. It is getting harder as the winter mornings are getting colder. I need to stay motivated!
Our resolutions sound strangely similar! I stumbled across fan fiction online and that has pretty much killed my desire to read actual books. I really want to start and started a book art journal to keep track. I too am trying to use my supplies more, I love infusing my space with new stuff - even if I don't use it, just for the inspiration of the colors or style. It does get stale quickly though!! Good luck, I'm working right along with you!!
Nickalli at blogspot.com
You have some great goals!!! I tend to impulse buy too so I am going to make a huge effort to only buy what I really need, because my room is getting too cluttered! I also have a bad habit of keeping stuff because I'm waiting for just the "right" project, I should just use them when I want to because that's what they are for! Thanks for the reminder and goodluck!
No blog so here goes with my resolutions:
1) Eat more healthy
2) Volunteer more
3) Visit my family in TX and MA
4) Enjoy life to it's fullest
5) Learn how to live alone--I have my mom's 24-7 caretaker for almost 4 years and sadly had to place her in the nursing home end of December.
Cindy, please share with us what books you are reading. I love my kindle and all the old classics that were pre-loaded. Dar
Good luck with the resolutions! I just take things one day at a time now. Lucky I'm still here, and enjoying every day. There are quite a few things I need to work on, but I don't make resolutions that I know I won't keep.
Thanks for a chance at more candy. Happy New Year to the whole family!
Resolution for this year, ok let see, first need to find a job, and need o spent more time on crafting and hte last thing is to visit my friend in Mexico. Hope I will manage somehow. Hugs,moni
Congrats on all your resolutions
I have to say I agree with you on alot of those resolutions
I'm also trying to make sure to see my friends more often, keep working out and try to get in better shape and push myself to do and hopefully not be such a clutz seeing if there's a way I will walk,bump,slip or fall over something... yes sometimes it is my own 2 feet lol
thanks for the chance happy New year
hugs Nikki
Wow good luck with your resolutions. After years of resolutions being broken in a matter of weeks, about 20 years ago I made a resolution never to make another New Years resolution. So far so good. LOL! I do set myself short term goals which I am more inclinded to accomplish. This week I finished cataloging my wood mounted stamps! Yahoo! Need to start on the cling and clear stamps soon.
Happy New Year! Thanks for another chance to win some goodies.
Blessings Bernie
Good luck with your resolutions!
I have troubles with keeping them so I'm trying not to make too many.
First of all I would like to use more of my stash - stop buying and buiyng new things.
Second: I would like to find some time to complete some minialbums of my children.
Third: lose some weight ;)
Hope I can make it!
I'm totally with you on needing to read more! I am one of your Valentine swap partners and I am also a librarian! I definitely need to read more as well. I seriously could have written your paragraph explaining that. Looking forward to swapping with you!
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