Sorry I missed posting a Friday candy but I was so sick! I left work sick with laryngitis and a low grade fever and it took me a couple of days to recover. Here is this week's candy. Just leave a comment on this post telling me what your weekend plans are and I will choose a winner on Wednesday. We are taking the kids to my moms and meeting up with sister and her daughter. We're planning on eating pizza and then taking the kids trick or treating, should be fun!

Cuteness! I'm heading from Idaho to Colorado this weekend. Gonna be a loooong drive. =P
Sorry to hear you were so sick! I'm glad you're feeling better though and it sounds like you've got a great weekend planned... :)
We're not doing much of anything ourselves...maybe some Christmas shopping on Saturday and then handing out candy Saturday night. We decided to stay home this year instead of going trick-or-treating and my girls are really excited about it! Especially my oldest, who's going to be a Vampire witch...she wants to scare everybody, lol! Then on Sunday, it's FOTBALL time...go Saints! ;)
Thanks for the chance at a prize!
- April
Fab candy, love it! Hugs,Moni
My second entry I am your subscriber! Sorry to hear that you were so sick, so glad you are ok! Hugs,Moni
Hey Cindy Glad Your feeling better
Just looking forward to scaring all the kiddies on Halloween and perhaps Going out after for an Adult Trick n Cocktail :)
Hugs Nikki
The weather forecasts are not so good and I woke up this morning with a soar throat, so I plan to stay at home and have a creative weekend. I really want to get on in my Paris-album. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Glad you feeling better. Just got to love Halloween. I love to see the kids, young and older, come to my door, all dressed up.
Sorry to hear you are sick! Hope you start feeling better really soon. I'm planning on taking it easy and maybe seeing some more sites in UTAH! I just love the mountains here and I still have 2 weeks left to enjoy. Thanks for a chance at this sweet candy.
I can't wait to see the pictures of your kids all dressed up. Glad to read you are feeling better. Have a great Halloween weekend and thanks for the chance to win.
We will be carving Jack-O-Lanterns today. We dress up for the trick or treaters and play spooky music.
Hope you're feeling much better.
Happy Halloween! I subscribe.
Sorry you've been but it's that time of year I guess! Everyone is getting down with something it seems like! Thanks for offering candy again!
hope you feel good and had fun this weekend.
my second entry...
I have 185 pieces of candy to give away! This is the first Halloween in our new house so I don't know how many kids to expect. I did buy all yummy chocolate candy just in case we have leftovers!
Glad to hear you are feelking better. have fun trick or treating. I am missing it because I am out of town working. Oh well. Next year.
I love reading your blog Cindy and will enjoy seeing pics of your kids at Halloween. Glad you are feeling better. I plan on scrapbooking and watching The Proposal that my daughter recommended (chick flick with Sandra Bullock). I am the only house on one side of a street so don't get many trick or treaters.
2nd chance as a subscriber
Hope you're feeling better, Cindy.
Can't wait to see the kids in their costumes. Have a great weekend with the kids. We're just giving out candy and enjoying all the costumes.
This is my second chance---I'm a subscriber to your blog! Thanks for a chance to win!
The weekend has gone by now, but I did some sewing, grocery shoppin, and celebrated my mom's b-day on Halloween.
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