Today, was a very hectic day. I had to leave work early because Tyler had a 103 temperature and then when we got to the Dr.'s office it was crazy busy and we had to wait an hour. When we finally got in, his temperature was at 104.6 which was about 3 hours after having Tylenol. They took his temp again and it was 105. Yikes! He was on fire, poor baby. So they gave him more Tylenol and Motrin, I took him home and gave him a bath and he's sleeping and his temperature appears to be gone for now. He doesn't have an ear infection and they can't pinpoint just what virus he has.
I haven't had a chance to create anything today, I was hoping to get some scrapbooking done but I got some laundry done and cleaned up a bit which will hopefully free up my evening. I do have this card to share with you. I made it last week, while I had my True Friend stamp set out.

The paper is SU as well but I can't remember the name of it. The hardware is WER Memory Keepers and the ribbon is from my stash. Very simple and easy card! Remember, I pick the heart candy winner tomorrow so you still have time to post if you want to win! Pin It Now!
Great card. I hope you son feel much better very soon. It's never fun to have a sick kid doing fever that high. I wish everygthing will be better tomorrow!
aww...poor guy! Here's hoping his fever stays away and he's much better now! Adorable card.
Nice card. So sorry your son is sick. Hope he is better real soon.
JoAnn B.
So sorry to hear your little one is sick! Mine also had a 104.2 yesterday, Dr. says "virus" also. UGH, we should be past all this sickness going around already! Hope he is feeling better and you got some time to create :)
Poor little guy! Sorry he's feeling icky.
Great card!
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