Isn't this cool Heart Candy? I was at Joann's yesterday and saw this spring glitter matstack. I ended up getting the non-glitter spring matstack for myself and I picked this one up to give away! So even if it's cold and rainy where you are you can pretend it's spring with this fun heart candy. To win is super easy, leave a comment about spring on this post. Any comment, what you like (or don't like), what you're looking forward to, etc. You have until Tuesday and I will choose a winner on Wednesday morning.
I have a couple very cute spring cards to share with you all this weekend. I stayed up and watched Lost instead of uploading stuff and by the time it was over, I was ready for bed! Enjoy your weekend every one!
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Love your blog, and great heart candy too :)! Happy Easter :)!
Ah, spring. When the air is filled with the chirping of the robins and other birds and I have the opportunity to dig around in the warm earth of my garden.
Thanks for a chance to win another great candy.
I am so looking forward to warmer weather so I can completely clean my house from top to bottom! I also can't wait for the trees to start turning green and for the lilacs to bloom...the smell is so heavenly!
Thanks so much for the chance to win this great heart candy!!
Wow, thanks for the chance to win! What I love most about spring is that I finally get to go for my long walks after bing cooped up all winter!
Great heart candy!
The best thing about spring is all the snow melting and me being able to get back to my gardening! Ahhhhhh...I absolutely love the smell of wet dirt.
This candy looks great...I have not yet seen it here in Calgary! Hmm, spring? For me, it is out in the garden in the morning and out for splashy, dirty walks in the afternoon with the kidlets! Cheers!
Fabulous Paper!!!
Have a Blessed Easter!
Well I am just wondering when spring is going to show up in the Chicago area--we are having some snow. Happy Easter--Darlene
Count me in on this Spring Heart Candy! Spring is the pretty colors coming back. The flowers, the leaves and the WARM weather.
Thanks for a chance.
well, fall is just starting on my side of the world... but I gotta say I like spring because it's warmer but not so much as summer... it's pretty perfect :)
Well it's a typical spring day here in Maryland....bright sunshine and windy. Can garden work be far behind? Thanks for offering this nice blog candy!
My favorite part of spring is the sound of the birds in the morning and the smell of the fresh spring air.
I don't have this pack!!!! I think glitter goes well with Spring LOL. I love seeing everthing blooming, starting from the buds to the beautiful flowers, especially my lilac bushes.
It might be Spring, but we are in the middle of a major snow storm. You got the love the weather here in the midwest. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies. Sandra
I love feeling the warm of the sun and opening the windows. Hearing the birds sing and the blooming of the flowers. Being able to walk outside and enjoy everything. Have a great Easter and thanks for the chance at some cute candy. :)
Fun! What I love about spring is it's the only time that our Utah weather is really temperate. Gorgeous. And I can't wait to garden a bit. Thanks for offering up the fun candy :)
It's the second day of Spring and we are under a snow advisory ! Chance of 6-8 inches expected or possible! wahhh... I want sun and daffodils!
Hubby is home today and we were doing Easter dinner shopping... 25 people for dinner....2 hams!
Thanks for the chance , I'd love to have this paper!
Spring?! What is that?! It is snowing right now here in Michigan. My comment is that I would really love to see Spring! I am going to do the Spring dance here to try to convince it to show up!LOL
I love the warmer weather in spring and spring means that summer is just around the corner!
I can't wait for Spring bacause I want the warm weather to hurry & get here....I've had enough of winter already!!!! I don't want to wear a big heavy coat anymore, ugh! Spring brings so many fresh things, its a new beginning & everything smells so fresh! Thanks for the chance to win some great paper!
I love spring - finally having some sunshine, warmer temps, melting snow, longer days, etc. I can take my little ones outside for walks and to the park every day! My sweet DS #1 tells me every day all the wonderful things we will be doing "when the snow goes away".
Unfortunately, not quite yet as we are getting a huge storm and 12" of snow right now. *frown*
Hi Cindy ~ Spring.... I am so ready for spring. This has been one of the harshest winters we have had in years (MI). Your blog candy is great. I love, love, love cardstock, background papers. So fun. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy Easter to you and yours!
Spring does make you think of doing more with flowers! Thanks for the offer of the neat paper.
Hi Cindy!
What a good question...
what I like about spring are the flowers. After all the grey days of snow and rain, I love all the fresh bright colors!
Thanks for a chance to win that gorgeous paper!
What a like about Spring is that is the perfect warming for me, not too cold not too hot (reminds me Miss Congeniality, LOL)what I don't like is the pollen going everywhere, I don't have any problem with that but my husband and daughter get really sick.
BTW, great blog candy.
Have a great weekend and God bless you.
I love the spring! The weather, the colors, taking my kids to the playground after being indoors for months and months!!
And ooh I like glitter, so thanks for the chance to win! =)
I love the spring weather - not too hot and not too cool - just right. And everything is green again. Thanks for the chance to win.
Great candy as always Cindy. I really can't wait for spring. Cold, wet and windy is not my idea of fun! Have a wonderful Easter! ~chris
I love to check your blog. I love it when the crocuses pop up while there's still snow on the ground and start blooming. That's when you know spring is on its way!
A spring glitter pack sounds very yummy!
Well it is very spring like here today. The girls are outside playing in the backyard right now and I was out reading in the sun. Granted...it could be a touch warmer for me...but I will take it! ;0)
My favorite thing about spring is not having to wear socks! I love sandals--and having my toes exposed to the air. To be totally happy, I would go barefoot all year round. However, we have too much snow and cold for that. Soon, my socks will be put away for a few months.
Spring has sprung...well, not yet but hopefully soon. I miss the green grass, the flowers and the birds. I am looking forward to Spring really arriving.
Enjoy your blog!
I cannot wait to start putting in flowers in my flower gardens. Once all the leaves start budding out, you cannot help but feel great. Hope everyone has a happy Easter.
Linda Peterson
I look forward to seeing your new cards! And we're looking forward to hiding and finding eggs...and we're about to go dye them now! Happy Easter!
yesterday may have been the official first day of spring, but i know it's spring when i see the first yellow easter flowers blooming
Honestly I don't think anyone is more excited that its Spring then me! lol If you look at my blog you will see me say.. Is it Spring yet?? so many times!! I love Spring because I can act silly in the backyard with my kids and there is nothing like the smell of morning Spring Dew.. :)
Spring??? What the heck is that?? It won't stop snowing and freezing here!! I want spring!!!
Thanks for the chance at blog candy. A girl can never have enough paper :)
When I hear the birds sing...I know spring is coming. I've heard them this year and that just puts a smile in my heart. I relate the birds singing to God's little messengers.
Living in ND can cause one to really wish for spring sometimes...and today it's snowing!
Hi, I'm from Malaysia.
So, my country is 365 days hot & humid.
I think Spring shall be windy and warm.
Warmer weather? Is it in the forecast? Not here,lol. I cant wait,I can't take this cold and snow anymore,but this beautiful paper would help,lol!!!! You're such a sweetie with all your goodies! Thanks for the chance Cindy!
Happy Easter! I am looking forward to Spring because of: blooming flowers, green grass, playing with my son outside at the park, going on walks, swimming, etc. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the blog candy!
Great blog candy. Would love to win it. I live in Florida and there is not much change in the seasons, but there are more flowers blooming and trees and grass getting greener. Sorry about all the snow and bad weather some of your are having. Hope you all have a blessed Easter.
JoAnn B.
Sorry for the previous post! I posted before I finished typing!! Happy Easter to you and your family. I love Spring...I love that it gets lighter earlier and stays lighter longer. I love that the leaves are starting to grow on the trees and that the flowers are atarting to bloom. Spring is a fabulous time of year!!
Spring has not sprung yet in my neck of the woods, as it was actually snowing this morning! We are vacationing next week at the Oregon coast & they are predicting rain all week, so it doesn't look like I'll be laying in the sand getting tan. It's been a loooong winter and I'm really looking forward to warm weather:)
My absolute favorite thing about spring is when the trees blossom, so breath taking. I also love that spring time is when my son's birthday is and his soon to be born sister:)
Springtime, ditch the boots and pull out the flipflops, oh yea!
I love spring the most of any season. But one problem here in Wisconsin is we have snow in the Fall, in the Winter, and in the Spring. It makes for one short season...Thanks for letting me play, Kathy Hering
What I love about spring, well, here on the Pacific coast we are
enjoying all those buds of spring,
daffodils and cherry blossom trees
right now, much to the wishes of those blanketed in snow or water.
And I love glitter and spring colours too. It would be a pleasure to win your heart candy.
Thank you for the chance.
Am I the only one sad it is spring already? I wanted more winter!! - Of course I live in AZ so our winter is more like Spring and springtime is already warming up to a HOT summer!!
I love Spring....it's my favorite time of year. Also, our anniversary is on the first day of Spring!!!
Cindy C.
For weeks I was looking forward to a big cardmaking and scrapbooking convention in the Netherlands. Today was the day! I came back home with lots of new stuff, so now I'm looking forward to using them! I'm really excited so I hope to start already this evening.
Love the glitter stack! I am looking forward to getting outside this spring and getting the garden started. We have daffodils blooming around the yard, and the peonies will be next, along with my neighbor's lilacs! It all makes me happy :)
Spring is so refreshing. The smell, feel, look. You get renewed energy. I love the anxiousness of projects getting done around the house. Everything seems new. It's still pretty cold around here but Spring IS coming, isn't it?
I love seeing the splash of yellow from the Daffodils even when things are still a little chilly. It means warm weather is just around the corner!
Happy Easter!
I LOVE everything about spring!!!! I also love blog candy :0)
I am really looking forward to planting my garden. Each year I make it bigger and bigger. I started some of the seeds indoors already to get a head start!
Cheryl KVD
I can't wait til Spring! No I can't! Winter started early, and now it's still not nearly over! Can't wait to shed the coats, boots and heat, and open the windows. Happy spring! bluemoonbynite at yahoo dot com
I can't wait till spring gets here. It seems we have our seasons mixed up. Green Christmas and white Easter. I saw these in Joann's a couple weeks ago. They are so pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Cindy....hope you are feeling better...not so tired anyway. Great blog candy, perfect for spring! Thanks for sharing...
Oh boy, I can't wait till spring! That mat stack looks wonderful. It's still cold and snowy here. Waiting for the warm temps to come our way.
Ooooooooo, Spring glitter stack...pick me, PLEASE!!! LOL. Seriously, love the cards you make.
Soudns liek we were thinking the same thing, I leafed through this at joann's yesterday and though what greta pack and great things ot give for blog candy, but my kids were acting up so I left the sotre with nothing! ;( Thanks for the cahnce to win! I love the perfect wetaher we have here in Texas in Spring and sitting around our little pond in the backyard enjoying a frosty beverage :)
Love the colors of the spring..the new flowers, the new leaves, and the amazing fragrance in the air..
Love the blog candy..I love anything that's sparkly so this looks gorgeous!
would LOVE to win this blog candy!!! I love the daffodils and tulips blooming in the spring!
Happy Easter. Enjoy your break. The thing that's awesome about spring is the GREEN! The colors are so vibrant. Also, it's almost SUMMER!
I am SO looking forward to spring...warm weather, hanging clothes out on the line, gardening...love it all! Thanks for this chance to win sweet candy!
~Brenda H.
I love the WARM. It's not quite warm here in PA yet...but soon, hopefully!!
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