One of mine is to eat out less and cook more! With a full time job, my commute and 6 people to feed, I really get weary of cooking but it's super expensive to eat out. My two stepkids are teenagers and eat more than me so it's like feeding 4 adults! I already cook about 3-4 days a week as it is. I'm hoping to get some of the bigger people in our household to maybe help out once or twice a week in the kitchen! Another is to try and weed out some of my clutter! I've been inspired after watching the show Clean House! Now my house is nothing like that but I do have tons of clothes that I don't wear hanging in my closet among other things that we don't need, have two of or just plain don't use. I want to get current with some of my scrapbooking projects which will help me with my last goal, which is to do better using the supplies that I have, especially dp! Some of my scrapbooking buddies better watch out, because they might end up coming home to a surprise rak box of supplies!

Also, have you pre-ordered your new catalog. It's due to come out on January 19. The cost is 5.50 but you will receive a coupon for $5.00 off your order during Sale-a-bration. I am giving huge discounts in addition to the free stamp sets you can earn during sale-a-bration so if you don't visit my blog often make sure that you sign up for my newsletter!
Last, but not least, the retired accessories list is out. This is your last chance to get these items before they disappear! The list can be found here.
SU is also offering a huge inventory sale! You can even get the Country Living promotion for half off! The information for this sale can be found here. To purchase these items, please visit my online stampin' up website for ordering.
This is a great set and you've made a great card with it. Love it! ~chris
Thanks for a chance to win some ribbon! Love this card!!
My new years resolution is to take care of me first!
Welcome back, you've been missed!
Cute card...like the set!
My new year's resolution is to try to use more stuff from my stash and to declutter more.
Lovely cards - I have about 6 but the one that I'm lookin forward to is CREATING MORE !!!
Great Giveaway as usual! My #1 resolution is to learn to say no more often...I tend to overcommit myself because I want to please everyone. Thanks!
Oh, I love the paper! I don't have any new year's resolutions! =P I don't think I have ever made one in my whole life!
Something I'd like to do more often: make double portions of dinner and freeze one for a lazy night. =P We hardly ever eat out. A few times a month and some months only once. But we really like to cook and I'm a stay at home mom so I have lots of time for it. I figure it I worked I would just spend all my money eating out and paying babysitters, lol. =P And my kids are so much fun I'd be missing out big-time!
Great set, just love to win! My new year resolution is to find a job! Hugs, moni
Love your cards!!!! My resolutions are to organize all my stuff and use more of what I already have, rather than buy new things. I also want to try to do more cards and do more layouts.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the blog candy!
Love your cards!!!! My resolutions are to organize all my stuff and use more of what I already have, rather than buy new things. I also want to try to do more cards and do more layouts.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the blog candy!
That card is adorable. And what a great giveaway!! My new year's resolution is to eat healthier and organize our house! It's a disaster right now...we just got married and need to figure out where to put everything!
This is a really cute card. I just love your work. Thanks for the opportunity. I resolved to pay off all of my debt except my mortgage this year.
This is some sweet SU candy to start off the New Year. I would love to play with this. Your cards are fabulous and inspiring.
My goal is one word...FOCUS!! If I focus I should be able to maybe organize better, finish what I started, play more, and spend some time with the fam. Thanks for a chance.
Welcome back and Happy New Year! Hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas with your family. Great photos of your little ones. Thanks for sharing! :)
I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I need to get back on track with my weight loss goal. I was doing really well, down 91 lbs, but I've gained a bit back again...now, it's gotta come back off. Just gotta stay healthy and happy. Plus, it's more fun shopping for smaller clothes! lol :)
Thanks for the chance to play along in the fun.
I don't do resolutions as such but my goal is to organize...everything..me..house...crafts etc. ... so I can spend qualtiy time, guilt free on ME !
Wish I were one of your buddies! I'd love to find a RAK box on my doorstep! woo hoo! LOL
Thanks for the chance!
Cute card! Wow.. you've taken on a lot of resolutions! Good luck with them. I am working at getting a website going - which is a big enough goal for me, for the present.
Such a cute card! I love all the samples I'm seeing with that set. My crafting goal for 2009 is to use my ginormous paper stash, along with all those stamps and rolls of ribbon.
Your valentine card is so pretty. Thanks for the chance for the candy.
I like to call my resolutions-goals!
So my goal..is to keep a better house. I have so much junk, it is sad!
Happy New Year Cindy--good to see you posting again. Thanks for the blog candy opp--I had tried to order those calendars but it was out-of-stock when I placed my order. In my family we assigned days for cooking ie--I had M, T, W, Sat and Sun. DH had Friday and my adult kids always did TH night. We all knew what night we were in charge and it worked. Once in awhile we traded and of course on DH night was usually eating out--LOL. darlene
PS--my resolution is use what you have, this can relate to stamping, what's in the freezer, etc.
What a lovely card, and such nice candy! My new years resolution is is eat healthier, and declutter more.
Love the card!! My resolution is to have more control over my schedule. I've heard that if you don't decide how to spend your time then others will do it for you - so true!!!
Your Valentine card is so cute! I love this set but haven't used it yet, which brings me to one of my resolutions: don't hoard...use it! Another resolution is to stop spending so much money. It's hard not to do that when SU brings out their retirement lists! Oh well, another thing to work on! Awesome blog candy!! Thanks for a chance to win!
Ooops...I meant to write "Thank-You" card, not Valentine card, but I loved your card idea for a Valentine card that I want to make, so that's what was in my head!!
Love your blog, so much inspiration.
My goal is to eat healthier.
thanks for a chance to win some blog candy! my resolution is to USE up some of my stash!
Oh Yum! Loves it. I'm glad you and your family had a nice holiday. I do agree cooking for many can be difficult. Have you thought about a crock pot? I cook for friends and family and use that a lot. SOO easy and you don't have to run around right before dinner to cook everything.
My new years resolution is to be a better person. I know everyone says that, but I have a few things to focus on. My patience, eating habits and love of who i am.
My new years resolutions are: losing some weight and start running again. My creative resolution is to take more time for cardmaking and scrapbooking. I really want to finish my vacation album from 2007! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
I love your card!
I don't really make resolutions, but I'm hoping to just get back in the groove of crafting more and blogging more!
I don't have any of this, so would love a chance to win.
My resolution is to get my room organized that I stamp in. I know some say that is not possible, but with me it WILL be! I want to be able to find things easily and USE them! Ü
Thanks for a chance to win some blog candy. I love your Valentine card and the stamp set is very cute too.
Welcome back! And with such awesome blog candy!!
No real resolution....just a goal to SHINE in 2009. Shine is my word for the year. I'm just trying to apply it to everything...my work, my house, my attitude, etc.
Your card is so lovely!
My resolutions for 2009 to enjoy life and make me not to stress the things I can't change!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Very cute card! I love the striped paper you used :)
I hope your sister's bundle of joy arrives SOON! Good luck to everyone and Happy New Year.
My resolution is to spend more time on the family. Oh and also to use what I have!
Beautiful card & I luv that DP! That ribbon is beautiful, thanks for the chance! My New Year's resolution is to get organized in my craft room.
Woo! Hoo! Thanks for chance #2!
These kits look neat! No real resolutions, maybe try to get to bed earlier, and make more cards for RAK's and really want to make papercrafted gifts. Happpy New Year! :)
These kits look neat! No real resolutions, maybe try to get to bed earlier, and make more cards for RAK's and really want to make papercrafted gifts. Happpy New Year! :)
following directions, here's my second post, hope one of them is lucky! tpatti@windstream.net
Cool Blog Candy!
I haven't really given myself a new years resolution. But my word for the year is "Believe" so I'm thinking I will work that into making me a better person throughout the year.
I am a subscriber, so commenting again. I hope your sister has her baby soon. I know how hard it is to have to wait to meet a new one. Ü
Thanks for the second chance! =)
I am not making any new years resolutions this year. I am too disappointed and hard on myself when they tend to fall to the wayside. I am instead making a promise to myself to TRY to be kinder to myself and hopefully the rest will follow.... =)
Great blog candy....and thank you for sharing.
Cindy, cute card! Your resolutions sound like mine! I need to lose some weight, declutter, organize my pictures to scrapbook, and send out more cards. I make a lot of cards and then only send out a few! I know people love receiving them, so I just need to send them. My problem is I think I need to write a letter to go with them.
Love the card and thanks for the chance to win!
Linda Peterson
I am leaving another comment. :)
I love the cards.
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